About Orcwood

Everything you need to know about the City of Orcwood and it’s chaotic inhabitants.

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What is the City of Orcwood?

Many years ago during a time of turmoil, there were few safe places left. A small village was one such refuge. When the turmoil finally ended and the world was safe again this small village had grown into the vast City of Orcwood.

Today it continues to be a 'safe' haven for everyone. From the everyday humans to the bizarre creatures found in the farthest reaches of the world, all are welcome in the City of Orcwood.

While this may sound like a utopia, with so many different cultures and strange peoples things tend to be a little... awkward.

Who are Orcwood Games?

Currently Orcwood Games is just me; one man who loves board games.

All of the games sold by Orcwood Games are designed and produced by me. They are all based in the City of Orcwood and the various crazy things that happen there.

Every year there will be a new game released, but if that sounds like too long to wait fear not as you can expect other things such as expansions or other exclusive content to be released in the mean time.

Get involved?

There are lots of ways to get involved in the City of Orcwood:

- Strategy Guides: Do you have a winning strategy or any tips that you want to share? Send them in and they can be added to the Strategy Guides.

- Need Clarity: Need some Clarity about some rules. Send in any questions and the anwsers can be shared with everyone.

- Fan Work: If you have become as obessed with Orcwood as I am, I would love to see your artwork or fanfiction or other wonderful work. Nothing will be used without your permission.

- Problems: Notice any issues with any Orcwood Games products or content, then please get in touch.

You can get in touch via the contact page, or on social media.


- Christian: This doesn't mean I'm perfect, but it does mean I am commited to Christian ideals of honesty and fairness.

- Fun: This is the simple commitment to providing fun experiences to every customer. I don't make games I don't find fun.